Unfortunately, for the majority of people, a variety of dumbbells will be required. In order to promote muscle growth, you need to choose a weight that's challenging you - causing you to reach muscle failure within a given rep range.
Example: For rotator cuff exercises and other shoulder exercises, a lighter weight will probably be needed. For back and chest exercises, heavier dumbbells will be required, and for leg work, even heavier dumbbells on top of that. So a good variety of dumbbells is recommended to get the most out of your ATHLEAN-X Training.
If you're interested, we have a set of adjustable dumbbells (BLOX) ranging from 5-90 lbs. These compact dumbbells are very ergonomic, balanced and of great quality...they will also include the stand and free shipping!! So if you reside in the continental US, make sure you check out our Athlean BLOX by clicking HERE.
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