The solution is very simple. All you need to do is find a suitable replacement within the meal plan itself. The meal plan will have a color coated legend to help you understand what each food is.
- Red = Protein
- Maroon / Purple = Starchy Carbohydrate
- Orange = Healthy Fats
- Green = Fibrous Carbohydrates
If you cannot find a certain food item, look at another meal in the plan and seek out another food item that coordinates with the food type you do not have access to.
For example, if you cannot find couscous or quinoa, you can have brown rice, or sweet potato / yams. Each of these items will appear as Maroon / Purple, indicating that it's a Starchy Carbohydrate.
1 comment
The color code thing is a good idea but I am color blind on those exact colors except the orange so I am having a crappy time using that "feature" maybe you guys can think of a different solution like adding a small number like this for example.
You guys can probably come up with something smarter but I hope you can help me and all the rest that are colorblind out.
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