Absolutely not. We actually preach that you have more of an 90:10 diet. What this means is that 90% of the time, you follow the meal plan as it's laid out - 90% of the time you're eating healthy. The other 10% of the time can be slightly less forgiving. We like to look at it from this perspective: If you're eating 5-6 times per day, through the course 1 week, you will be eating between 35 - 42 times per week. If you have a 2 "cheat MEALS" per week, you're still getting between 33 - 40 solid nutritious meals. That's GREAT!!
But here is the exception...it cannot be a full blown cheat DAY. A cheat day can bring you back on your goals substantially and often times, it's not worth the effort. Instead, choose a meal or a dessert to help keep your sanity!! Once the experience is over, get back on track and make sure the rest of your meals are AX approved.
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